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  • Writer's pictureLisa Paul IBCLC

Rebooting the Milk Depot

On Tuesday February 20, 2024 the Milk Depot at Knoxville Lactation Clinic is coming back! We will be hosting a Drop Off Day for approved donors of the Mother's Milk Bank of Tennessee. If you would like to donate milk, you will need to apply to be a donor. Once you have been approved, we can accept your milk.

For the most part, we only accept milk on our drop off days for a couple of reasons.

  1. Our office does not have a generator for the freezer, in case the power goes off.

  2. Our office is not staffed daily so checking on freezer temperatures over a weekend is not practical.

  3. Having a full day of clients makes it hard to fit in milk donation drop offs randomly.

  4. Giving moms a "deadline" seems to help the idea of getting milk together to donate.

  5. It is more fun to ask a couple of volunteers to help rather than doing it alone.

In the past our Milk Depot site collected over 24,000 oz of milk in one year. That is a lot of milk! In part, our success came from the system created. Sending out emails once a month to remind moms that drop off day was coming, having a Google form to sign up for the drop off day, and packing up and shipping all the milk on the same day made our freezer capacity irrelevant.

If donating milk resonates with you and your supply, we would love to have you join our cause. If you would like to be on the mailing list for drop-off day reminders, head over to this page.

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